The 7's Theory
I have this theory (well, actually the rainbow and I do) that pretty much everything pitchfork gives a 7 range review to is greatness. It's not flawless, but more times than not, they hit the nail on the head. Go for it, see what you think. Anyway, backing up that statement I have yet another iteration of one of my fav peoples - The Weilheims. German. Evil. Dark - but poppy. Can you resist? This release under the name, Lali Puna, out on Morr records (great great label) is pretty kickass. I have yet to get the full length - but will be soon. The album is called Faking the Books and this is the title track....oh...and if you want to check out other work - pick up the Notwist or Ms. John Soda. I'll hook you up with a few of those later.
until ease.
Lali Puna - Faking the Books (pitchfork gave it a 7.5, way to go assholes.)
It's Getting Personal
So todays post is a little heavy. Sometimes you are going through personal turmoil and things that make you re-think songs you have heard or revisit something and you hear it differently than ever before. Certainly, I've had a month or so to contemplate changes in my life (which seem to be happening more and more, some for the better and others that just happen) and I feel like these songs jumped out at I thought I would share.
The first one is a little known group from LA called Jed and Lucia. I had never heard of them and stumbled across their music somewhere out there. (I'm sorry if it was a blog, but I don't remember) After listening to it, this song was the one that nearly made me cry out of happiness and sadness. Either way, the music meshed with my own experiences and feelings really struck something inside me and I would highly recommend this track. Great production and really good writing.
Jed & Lucia - Can't Cage a BirdJeff Buckley came back into my life randomly the other day. This song popped up and I had completely forgotten about it. Nothing new here, but certainly something like this cannot be just ignored. If you have not heard of Jeff Buckley, welcome out from underneath that rock.
Jeff Buckly - Forget HerLastly, I can't leave you without something to get your dancing shoes on with. Prescription goes like this - cry a bit, then just before you realize it - this track will come on - you will wipe away your tears and you will see the sunshine come out and you will start dancin in the street.
These guys, MSTRKRFT are a side project of a member of DFA 1979 - whom I absolutely love. They are doing remixes and such, but this is all theirs - so enjoy it - and look for a full length sometime in the near future.
Oh, and by the way, Futurism Ain't Shit.
MSTRKRFT - Easy Love
A Shot at a New Top 10
I'm sorry that the blog has sucked apparently the past few days. I have no idea what the hell is going on - and I even deleted all the images from my post thinking that was locking up peoples browsers - but here we go - the Top 10 - REPOSTED for your viewing and listening pleasure...
Honorable Mention 5: Spoon -
I Turn My Camera OnHonorable Mention 4: Paul Duncan - Be Careful What You Call Home
You Look Like An AnimalHonorable Mention 3: M83 - Before the Dawn Heals Us
Teen AngstHonorable Mention 2: Rogue Wave - Descended Like Vultures
Bird on a WireHonorable Mention 1: Antony and the Johnsons - I am a Bird Now
Poorest EarWho Cracked the Top 10? (Hold back the excitement)
10. The Clientele - Strange Geometry
Since K Got Over Me9a. Stars - Set Yourself on Fire
One More Night9b. The Guggenheim Grotto - A Lifetime in Heat EP
A Lifetime in Heat8. Brazilion Girls - S/T
Sierenes de la Fete7. Iron and Wine // Calexico - In the Reins EP
He Lay in the Reins6. Goldfrapp - Supernature
Let It Take You5. Jose Gonzalez - Veneer
Heartbeats4. Editors - Backroom
All Sparks3. Tom Vek - We Have Sound
If You Want2. Arcade Fire - Funeral
Wake Up (Live Feat. David Bowie)1a. Four tet - Everything Estactic
Smile Round the Face1b. The National - Alligator
Lit Up
Resolutions are for suckers
2006 is in full swing. My resolution was to not make anymore resolutions - but if I did - you wouldn't know about it. Thats the plan, really, make change, but keep it to yourself for the most part. How's your year going so far? I haven't had a lot of new music hit me in the face yet this year....big news though. I adopted a new cat yesterday. She's pretty amazing, wants to crawl on everything. Shes into that type of thing. So I guess I have been into simpler tunes lately, something that makes me feel like a little kid again in a way. I remember growing up and listening to Cat Stevens, Stevie Wonder and The Beatles - this guy brings them to mind...

Kelly Stoltz is someone that was oddly enough first introduced to me when I was touring by my friend Lisa. She played me a tune she thought was funny - it was 4 am - we were drunk and it was. This tune, however, is pretty cool in a lot of ways. Anyway, his newest EP is on Sub Pop and he has a 7" coming out soon on Cass Records out of Detroit - wow. Neato! So anyway, check it out.
Kelly Stoltz ://: Sun Comes Through
Top 15 Singles of 2005
Brendan Benson - Cold Hands (Warm Heart) The Alternative to Love
Detroit love, kids. I've been a fan of Brendan for awhile now - and his music keeps getting better. Following him through the different incarnations of his music (see: Mood Elevator, which was really less him - but nonetheless he was still involved) and now his production collab's with Jack White have really been cool to watch. He's on V2 and they really got behind this album from what I could tell. If you haven't given it a chance - or even if you have - give it another listen - it's really well done on the whole. This song was also licensed for a Ford commercial recently.....that's too bad, but hey, gotta make that bank.
Lewis Taylor - Stoned Stoned
Soul and lots of it. Lewis Taylor is from the UK and this song blew my mind the first time that I heard it. I think this is one of the better albums of the year - it may crack my my top 10 - not sure yet. I recently heard him doing a set on KCRW and that made me like him even more. The odd part is that he sounds so English (Brit) in his interview and then he busts out some serious chops live. Well worth the purchase. Enjoy.
Sigur Ros - Hoppipolla TakkI was flying back from LA last week, listening to the IPOD and it was late, after midnight. As we got closer to the ground this track clicked in - and made me remember how amazing these Icelandic wonders really are. I got into them late, around the ( ) album, but immersed myself into them right away and everything they have done is great. They did put out a tour EP that I wasn't too fond of, but other than that - all their major releases have been the shit. Not to mention the production work they have done with Jimmy T of the Album Leaf. (Of O.C. fame, now, sadly) Anyway, this song is perfect soundtrack to life stuff - walking around in a city or late at night listening to this will sink it in.
...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of The Dead - Let It Dive Worlds ApartNever a huge fan of these guys - but I do own 2 of their discs. I like some it from a production aspect alot - and some songs are really rocking. This song reminds me alot of Oasis - but good Oasis. I got into it in the fall of this year, sitting at the WAB with Ward and this came on.... it's one of my bigger darkhorses on this list. Hope you like it.
Jackson and His Computer Band - Hard Tits SmashCrazy album. Pretty fucking cool. Kinda creepy. Slightly goth. Electro. Bits and pieces. Worth listening to the whole thing - but enjoy this one first. It's great. Very easy listen.
Busta Rhymes Feat ODB - Where's Your Money?Am I kidding? Absolutely not. First off, my relationship with the Bus goes deep. The first time I saw him live was in the hometown - Grand Rapids, MI. He did a set with a bunch of other hip hop heavyweights and ended up mooning the crowd. I'll never forget it. This guy just doesn't seem to miss though, great flow, great lyrics and he picks some awesome shit to work with. I remember when he remixed the Knight Rider theme (see: D. Hasselhoff). I loved that show growing up. So when I heard him and Big Baby Jesus were doing this - I was happy. And the track turned out great - so great in fact that I ended up rapping this very White 3 downtown Detroit.....with 2 strangers. I was sober.
Death Cab For Cutie - Brothers on a Hotel Bed Plans
I thought they would fall off. I really did. I doubted the Gibbard. I thought that the idea of a major label CD might get in these guys heads and cause them to lose their Death-Cab-ness. (Along with their "indie-cred according to some, but fuck that, make money, sorry Emm.) This CD actually led to a heated debate between a dear old friend, Emm and myself over stiff drinks one night in Dearborn, MI. Random? Yes. True? Certainly. But ultimately, I think they delivered a great product....could they have done it on their own - yes. But they didn't. Enjoy the track anyway - it's amazing. And never doubt the Gibbard - ever.
Breakstra - Hit the Flo'! Hit The FloorOne of my favorite, if not my favorite new label that I got into this year. Ubiquity Records puts out some great shit. (Not to mention kick ass T's.) These guys are out of Cali (I believe) and this record is a top to bottom throw down of funk. I love this track but really it could be any track on this album almost. Check it out and if you dig it - head over to Ubiquity and pick up some more.
TV on the Radio - Staring at the Sun (Diplo Rmx)I saw Dip in a small tent in Chicago - and man - this guy is my hero. Not only was he amazing on the decks but let's just take a look over what he has been doing:
a) Producing much of M.I.A.'s album Arular, which has been a smash and is on many peoples top 10 of the year.
b) Also, dating Maya (M.I.A.). Nicely done.
c) Touring with her as DJ - cashing in a headlining tour while making a name for himself.
d) Remixing with pleasure. Some tunes he has done this year - including this one has blown me away.
e) Oh, and he just started a new record label.
Official hero status.
My Morning Jacket - Wordless Chorus ZToken, I know. But I do like this album. I like the first half much better than the first. That's why it's not in my top 10 scenesters.....that's right. But this track is very leck-e-ish. Yay.
Death From Above 1979 - Black History Month (remix) Romance Bloody RomanceThese guys are ridiculous. I love their videos. I love their sound. I love their energy. They bring the fucking action and don't apologize. And they are Canadian. Fucking great. I was lucky enough to check out this 2 piece playing in Chicago at Intonation Fest (above) and they carry themselves well live. This year, in follow up to their first release, they put out a remix album. (how cliche! you may say) Well, some hits, some misses, but this track is on point from start to finish. Enjoy.
Jamie Lidell - Multiply (Herbert's Hoedown Bump)File under: freak. File under: wow. File under: this remix makes me want to climb walls, shoot sunlight out my nose and fart flowers. Unreal.
Paul Duncan - Oil on the Fields Be Careful What You Call HomeThis guy really came out of nothing. I recently read an interview with him and he doesn't consider himself a professional musician. Similar story to Iron and Wine - recording at friends encouragement and practically handed a record deal. In the end though, the album was produced as an entire album to be listened to from beginning to end. It has some more atomospheric stuff in it, but this song certainly stands out. Enjoy. Highly rec'd.
Bell Orchestre - Throw It On a Fire Recording a Tape the Colour of the LightMembers of the Arcade Fire and others from the Montreal scene put together this group. Really an amazing disc from start to finish - but this track stands out as my favorite. I can't stop listening to it. Ever. And I won't. Come over in 10 may hear it.
Nada Surf - Do It Again The Weight is a Gift
This album is great - but the first single, Do It Again is fucking awesome. It rips. So enjoy it as one of the catchiest songs of the year.
A Fond Farewell to 2005

Hi. It's been along time since I've posted - apologies. But I'm not going to dwell on the past, well, maybe a bit. Today, I've finally gathered my thoughts and put together to the best of my ability - the best songs and albums of 2005. I hope that everyone likes the selections and I'd love feedback. (I'm talking to you Sam...haha) Alright without further delay - here they come.....